Friday, January 28, 2011

Why You should be doing Weekly Strength Training

Despite what you may have heard, strength training should be a major part of just about everyone's fitness or weight loss program. In fact, in terms of fat loss, it's probably more important than aerobic exercise. Why? That's simple! The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns - even when you're not doing anything!

Muscle tissue is highly active. Every pound burns about 35 calories per day, just to maintain itself. This "maintenance" process is a big part of your natural metabolism, or calorie-burning system. When you lose muscle your metabolism slows down (often permanently!) and it becomes harder and harder to lose weight and keep it off.

So what's the solution?  Begin a basic strength training program which involves working all the major muscles in the body at least once or twice per week. The easiest way to add muscle is with weights and weight machines but you can also use your own bodyweight, rubber fitness bands, etc.

If you're a beginner make sure to consult with a personal trainer who can teach you proper strength training/weight lifting technique before you begin. Also, most people only need to perform strength training about 3 times per week, 40 minutes per session, in order to see good results quickly.

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