Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fat Wars!

Yesterday in the ladies locker room I overheard someone say "My fat cells are trying to battle my workouts efforts". I seriously laughed out loud. Hey, I feel the same way some days!

Fat Cells stick to us in places that bug us the most, and that spot is different for everyone. They smile at us when we display them in the summer. Exactly the reason we should be fighting the war right now. So we can wear what we want this summer.

For me, I don't feel like the war has been won yet. It's more like I have settled for what I've done so far, until I get that bathing suit out for the first time this spring. I guess I don't feel like putting in enough work to look like Jillian Michaels. Most people hit the gyms about this time of year in hopes of looking great come summer. But the majority of people will look the same come summer.

It does not have to be this way. We (including me) need to step up in this war and do our part. Fat finds a way to hang on our hides in our favorite drinks, foods and even adult beverages, and tries to take us down. I feel like my clients are soldiers fighting a war and I am the General giving them the knowledge to win the war.

It is ridiculous that as much as I hated math growing up, losing weight is nothing more than a simple math equation. It's like my 8th grade math teacher is forcing math problems into my adulthood.

Make 2012 summer a great one! Start fighting that war now.

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