Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bikini Season :\

March is such a weird month. It seems like it should be spring but the temperature says not yet. So for know we are in weather limbo, but bikini season is on it's way. (Mine only gets worn in my back yard, but none the less it's almost that time.) I found these tips to get ready for the season in my "Fitness" magazine. So wanted to share.

1. Don't Skip Meals - It's very hard for me to convince my clients of this. For some reason they want to skip breakfast. Myself...I wake up because I am hungry. Get some food in that belly first thing so you can get that metabolism going! Greek yogurt, egg whites, fruit all good and quick things!

2. Snack A Lot - Snacks are mini meals to get you to the next meal. My favorite is a protein shake. Try to keep it under 200 calories but make the calories count. Two - 100 calorie cookie snacks don't count! When I give my clients at Slim&Fit our food plan...they look at me like how am I going to get all that food in? There are 3 meals and 3 snacks. As long as you are choosing the right foods, it's a lot.

3. Carbs Are A Friend - There seems to be a love/hate relationship with carbs. You need carbs for energy, don't eliminate these especially if you are exercising. Get them from fruits and beans. If the craving for a bagel comes up, go ahead and have one but first scoop out the middle of it. You will be cutting out half the calories!

I will be the first to tell you, I am not an angel when it comes to these tips. I try everyday, some days it works and some...not so much. Thanks goodness I do like to exercise!

Morning Boot Camps!

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