Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why Can't I lose Weight?

If there is one question that I hear over and over, this would be it! I obviously don't have all the answers, nor do I pretend to, but I have some great tips that might help answer this question for you.

The biggest reason for not being able to lose is Strength Training. Often people who can't lose do not do this. The more muscle that you have the faster your resting metabolism will be. If you have been Strength Training and the weight is not coming off, then you are not pushing hard enough. I was training a  women and she always wanted to do lat pull downs with 40 pounds. I moved the pin to 80 pounds and her mouth fell open. She said "I can't do that" (by the way I hear the can't word a lot too.) I told her "yes you CAN do it and you will do 8 reps". Well, yes she did do it, and I told her thats what all her reps should feel like. She was merely going through the motions of a work out and not struggling.

Eating mindlessly is another reason for not losing. A little here and a little there add up. I ask all my clients to use the site called Loseit.com. You can get an app for your phone or go on-line but either way this is a great way to track your food intake and exercise. Only about half of my clients are willing to do this claiming they don't have time. Once you get use to the site and have your food programed in there, it does not take much time. Just Do It!

Holding on to the treadmill. This is a pet peeve of mine. The body can not burn more fat if you are doing make believe walking. Instead pump those arms and get winded. I actually make my clients that want to hold on to the treadmill carry a weighted ball over their head.

Skipping Breakfast is another pet peeve of mine, especially if you work out in the morning. IF  your gas tank is empty, instead of burning fat, you may actually break down your muscle. And isn't that the reason you are working out to begin with, is to increase muscle? I eat a protein bar on my way to the gym at 6:00AM. If you would like to buy some let me know. These ones are from Slim & Fit cost $2 each and have 10 grams of protein.

Diet Soda. I love them too, but they tend to trigger hunger. Go for the water instead.

Tax season is over and summer is just around the corner. Now is the time to start exercising!

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