Monday, February 28, 2011


Speed, for the most part makes you happy. Who wants to be doing something longer than we have to? If we can do something in half the normal amount of time, we are going to do it. We don't want to wait. We want it now.

But this isn't about making things faster. This is about patience.

You see it everywhere. Do our workout and lose 50 pounds in 30 days. Shake this dumbbell for 6 minutes each day and tone your arms. Glide on this seated coaster thingy for 15 minutes and watch your love handles disappear. Take these pills and burn the fat off of you. Sit down in front of the T.V. on any random day and on any channel you can see at least one commercial that promotes these products. Lots and lots of claims. I'm curious how many of you reading this blog has purchased the shake weight.

Everyone wants results and wants them quick. People expect, when they take or use these products, to see results fast.  You spend the money and your closet is filling up with failed products. Don't fall into this trap!

Understand when you put in the work, it takes time. It takes time for your body to burn fat and build muscle. Don't get frustrated because the scale is not moving. This is the number one reason people stop exercising. Big gyms are praying that you get frustrated and don't show up anymore. You have paid for the year because of a promotion, they have your money, and in the end that's what they want.

Ask yourself: Do your clothes fit better? Do you feel better? Can you do things you couldn't before? If you answered yes to any of these, then the work you are doing is working. Continue to work hard and get the results you want. Just know that it is going to take time.

When I run into people that constantly ask "So...what was your secret to losing weight". There is no secret, I bust my ass in the gym, period!

Work hard and everything else will fall into place.

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