Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are Modern Day Conveniences Making us Fat?

Don’t get me wrong theses modern day conveniences are great for saving time. But, could they be contributing to our laziness and the obesity rate? Hmmm...I’m willing to bet we move a lot less than our grandparents did because of all the gadgets we have. 

How about the remote control for the TV, we never leave our seat to change the channel. I remember when I was a kid and my Dad would say “get up and change the channel”. I’m not even sure my current TV can be turned on without a remote. What a panic my house gets into when we can’t find the remote. Is there anyone out there that still gets up off there butt to change a channel? I’m just curious.

How about elevators? I am guilty of the remote control thing but you will never see me taking the elevator if there are stairs available. Unless you have a baby stroller, you should be taking the stairs. You may get winded and have to stop to catch your breath but you have burned more calories than the person in the elevator.

I came across this the other day. EXPECTANT MOTHER PARKING, not kidding, its right next to the handicap parking.  I was expecting twice in my life and never used these. Ok, in all honesty, they did not have them then. At first thought this sounds pretty good. On second thought unless you are bed ridden (in that case you shouldn’t be shopping anyway) moving around is good for you. My doctor never told me not to walk. Was it harder for me at 8 and 9 months to walk? Sure it was, but moving is still good for you.

Do you have caller id that show up on your TV screen, so you don’t have to get out of your chair and see who is calling. OK, I’m guilty of this one too. Doesn’t this just seem insane? These modern day conveniences are saving us time, but saving our fat is not a good thing.

And then there are the drive through windows everywhere? I don’t really eat to much fast food but if for some reason I do, I’m going to try and get out of my car, WALK in, and WALK back out. After all that little bit of walking won’t burn an 1/8 of the calories I will buy in there. Sure the drive through will save time and since we are always in a rush these windows are huge in America, and also making us huge.
This is a picture I took on my last shopping trip. Do you mean to tell me this person is healthy enough to drive to the store, walk into the store, shop, walk back out of the store, load their car with purchased items, but can’t take another 5 steps to return the cart to its proper place? Sure they may be tired, it may be raining or cold but this is just lazy. Would 5 more steps really kill you?

I could go on and on about these modern day conveniences, but I think you get the idea. Do you have any modern day conveniences you are guilty of, or any that really annoy you?

"No matter how slow you are, you are still lapping the people sitting on the couch"

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